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1. In accordance with the Philippine Constitution, the Life Purpose, Vision, Mission and Objectives of Saint Joseph Institute of Technology, students of any nationality are welcome to enroll.
2. New students & transferee s interested to enroll at SJIT are required to take the Admission Test conducted by the SPS office.
Requirements for Admission Elementary
1. Grade one (1) Pupils and Transferees
a. Present entry credentials: Birth Certificate (for grade one), Form 138/ Report Card, Certificate of Good Moral Character and Birth Certificate
b. Pass the test and interview
c. Fill up enrolment form
d. Pay first down payment at the cashier’s office
e. Pay books at the book center
f. Receive EF-2
2. Old Pupils
a. Get Checklist from Basic Education Office
b. Present Report Card
c. Fill up enrolment form
d. Pay first down payment at the cashier’s office
e. Pay books at the book center
f. Receive EF-2
High School
1. Freshmen and Transferees
a. Submit for interview
- Transferees – coordinator student discipline
- Freshmen – Head, Basic Education
b. Pay first down payment at the cashier’s office
c. Take the test and get the result a testing office
d. Present Report Card, Good Moral Certificate and Birth Certificate as entry Credentials
e. Pay first down payment at the cashier’s office
f. Pay books at the book center
g. Receive EF-2
2. Old Students
a. Get checklist from Basic Education Office
b. Present Report Card
c. Fill up enrolment form
d. Pay first down payment at the cashier’s office
e. Pay books at the book center
f. Receive EF-2
1. Freshmen
a. Present Form 138/ HS Card
b. Submit the following:
1.) Birth Certificate from N.S.O.
2.) Certificate of Good Moral Character from previous school
c. Bring lead pencil for Admission Test
2. Old Students
a. Submit final grades of previous semester attended
b. Present official receipt of fully paid previous accounts
c. Submit complete entrance credentials
3. Transferees
a. Submit Honorable Dismissal
b. Present student’s copy of Transcript of records for Evaluation purposes
c. Submit the following:
1.) Certificate of Good Moral Character
2.) Photocopy of Birth Certificate from N.S.O.
3.) Police Clearance (case to case basis)
d. Bring lead pencil for Admission Test
Admission Guidelines
1. Freshmen applicants and transferees should pass the Admission Test.
2. They should also pass the interview conducted by the college dean and cite the oath of student commitment to quality education.
3. Maritime freshmen and transferees should pass the ISHIHARRA test.
4. Old student whose credentials are incomplete after one semester will be refused admission in the next semester.
5. First year students and transferees shall be refused admission f he/she:
a. Fails to submit complete credentials;
b. As poor academic performance; and
c. Has been refused admission by the other schools due to disciplinary action and pending cases.
Enrolment Guidelines
1. A standard enrolment procedure is set in place to facilitate enrolment process.
2. All enrollees should follow religiously the detailed instructions on enrolment process.
3. Classroom and offices used for enrolment procedures are numbered in big letters.
4. Students must follow the sequence in their cirriculum to speed up enrolment.